Written by: Deanna Marie Battista
Welcome blue ribbons, I have great news, you've got mail! With this next letter from heaven we are going to dive into the sweetest of notions, the bitterness some can be left with and why sometimes the truth about ourselves can become blurred while walking the long bumpy road towards following Christ. In this world and beautiful paradise we all reside in; sometimes the hour to hour of evolving, growth, healing and self-perception can become skewed. It can become the hardest of burdens to seek the reflections of mirrors when those around and near make even you doubt what your own eyes are telling you. Whether it be to measure beauty, behold grace, exude femininity, and inspire profound character. This can only be found in one way, truly. To seek God is to seek yourself. To find him, is to find you. To know God is to know who you are. Not who you used to or wanted to be, but who you actually are. So dream big, sparkle more, and shine different because that is what sets those aside from the multiple echoes of the crowds that have been gathering for years now. The delicate way we carry ourselves has now become the rebellion. So no matter how much sugar is thrown our way to make the bad seem less terrible than it really is. Don't listen to the noise, don't bend to those who envy your will. And most importantly don't hide behind the light you are meant to reflect, regardless of what people tell you the mirrors said. No matter the lies. No matter the hate. No matter the spin. Just be who God created. Just be you, because that is the second greatest power in this world to know. The first? Is being loved by God. Until the next letter from heaven falls down from the clouds above, let's become apart of history!