By: Deanna Marie Battista
Welcome blue ribbons! You’ve got mail. With this letter from heaven, the angels sent us a very important message to read; but more so to keep and try our very best to use it when more than just the sky cries out in pain. To use it especially when our neighbors, friends, loved ones- brothers and sisters cry out in need of the one shoulder God so granted them from heaven to here on earth to help them heal, you! It’s become something of a slogan now if you “see something say something.” But in all unfairness to those who need it most, it’s lost its weight in the sheer ugliness the truth can implore that if it didn't could aid in setting them free or keeping them safe. It’s become a hindrance to one’s naked eyes. The points of which people turn their cheek, look the other way, or simply pretend to not hear that horrible thing that was just muttered in or around their presence. It’s not too fault the witness necessarily, lot’s of circumstances are apparent, including fear itself or the fight or flight instinct. Yet it’s become a sort of feat that many of us take with us to carry. Some out of fear, some just wanting to mind their own business and not get involved. Unfortunately to say the level in which depravity can sometimes bore into the bliss, this paradise is and does mostly resound tenfold. It can be the good that it cuts through when someone that isn’t supposed to walk away from the one that needs help, and then does so anyway. When the person to witness the wrongdoing, isn’t themselves the perpetrator, or has done a wrong against someone else; it still makes them capable within their silence. I want to draw your attention to the part within the bible of Simon-Peter denying Jesus three times. So was foretold, Peter himself told the Lord this was not so and yet he did. Even in the lies, on the third denial of knowing Christ he even cursed and swore within the words he used to mutter the deceit out of fear. It’s no small weight; guilt. The dark cloud that it can become ever so unfruitful. It begins to sway the question that everyone should pose to themselves before they do so to each other and even more so towards God. Sin wasn’t something that was welcomed into this paradise, it got in. So within the balance of good and evil, especially good vs evil we have to remember the will of our Lord and savior and what that is. It’s to endure what we’ve suffered, learn from it to heal and to use our suffering as an offering not just towards our Father in heaven, but to those like us in this beautiful yet broken world so others can turn towards his face. This magnetic wavelength in which society has become addicted to the “drama” and the tragedies of everyday life and has become exponentially lucrative to force the rest of the world to experience it too. For the never ending darkness meant to keep people afraid. Instead of using more than just slogans to advocate and help those who truly need help, we have to do better. It's the same hill to climb for those that fault Christ for the hardships they face in this life. We can’t point the finger at God, without daring to first look in the mirror, and to those around us. Who are we to point a finger at him before we point our finger at sin? Those who need the strength to defeat the demons the devil has sent their way, not everyone has the perception, discernment, and eyes to see through sin colored glasses and this can lead people to falter through the sight of those of the holy righteous. If we see something, we have to say something. For those that don’t ask for help themselves, if we experience fear, and unwavering worry about someone’s well being; no one should be put in this position to have to ask for help. When someone turns their back, and knowingly turns a blind eye to danger that they are also putting that person in, it’s a fault. Not for those that choose this out of fear, or out of wanting to be clear of the “situation” at hand. But this behavior can very much so desensitize us as individuals of what we deem is safe and unsafe with what we are and aren’t willing to do. To help a loved one, to help a friend, or even yourself. Do our neighbors not deserve this same respect? We have to practice what we preach and use the good in this world to inspire more godliness and not let it become a crack in the foundation for bad to multiply and corrupt more of the good. Kindness is not weakness, but weakness can sometimes be mistaken for kindness and that is when the bad guys can win. We can’t let them, because that’s what can happen when the good guys do nothing but walk away, keep quiet, pretend like everything is okay, or even worse put the responsibility on the shoulders of the one being hindered. All this does is let storms build instead of issuing a forecast to anyone who could also feel the first raindrop. Any storm could warrant the destruction of all. Because the appetite of the devil is as big as heaven. We have to be the bigger person, but we also have to have an appetite twice the size of hell. Because those who would advise you to a slice of devil’s food cake are the same who point the finger to everyone but themselves. To those stuck in abusive relationships, domestic violence, unsafe work environments and familial abuse desperately need the detox and fasting that only a purge from evil and the helping hand leading towards heaven could garner. That starts and ends with us, the bystanders. To those that feel like there is no out, no safety to touch to catch your breath, and no hope to the wounds you’ve amassed and fear you still will catch; lean towards the worst parts of your fear and use it. Take it with you and use it to find those that have already heard the call from heaven and can further call upon a shield in the form of a person in prayer, protection and most of all the love they themselves share of God that they can impart to others. Until the next letter from heaven falls down from the clouds above, let’s hold onto this truth for the good, yes, but more than anything to drive away the bad. At the risk of demonizing a favorite recipe to many, let's not only listen, but give. We weren’t and are not meant to suffer. All of us do nonetheless. So use it. Use it to spread your wings, to bring others home, and to help one another grasp a hold of what we all truly want more than any material or economic gain this worldly place could ever offer. All we want and to keep is peace. So let’s keep it, safeguard it and for those that need to, take it back !
Amazing 💙